Real has an edge over Inter for Icardi

Inter striker is negotiating a contract renewal with the club, but the sides seem to be a bit distant.
Wanda Nara, the winger-manager of the attacker, seeks € 9 million a season, while the club offers 7.
Another nod to resolve is that of the clause: the zikaltrit want to remove it, while the Argentine woman wants to keep it and increase it on the basis of the salary increase.
Wanda has announced that he has an offer from Real Madrid and AS Manolete's journalist, in his Twitter profile, also spoke about this.
"There are a lot of ninth numbers in circulation, but the truth is that Real has held talks with Robert Lewandowski. We should not forget that Blanc have an edge over Icardi, seeing Inter's desire to get Modric,"
written Manolete.
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